Our values
Our values are
We take responsibility.
We are proud to take responsibility, whether it’s about each other, our work, or the future. The results of our work can be seen for up to hundreds of years and affect the lives of thousands of people on a daily basis. Our operations ensure sustainable solutions for nature and built environment.
We are not afraid.
We do not shy away from work, challenges, or making choices. We boldly embark on new adventures, seize opportunities, and never say no to new ideas.
We trust our competence. The more challenging and versatile our customer’s project, the better it suits us.
We do not waste time.
The secret to our success is speed and straightforwardness – both in words and actions. We operate with an agile and productive approach. We have the courage to make decisions, matters move forward, and work gets done. For our customer, this is reflected in quick response times and smooth progress of work.
We do not just go to work.
An entrepreneurial spirit lives strong in us: we give our employees as much freedom and responsibilities as they can carry – and this applies to new professionals, too. We focus on what’s important to ensure the best possible outcome. Our success is based on the continuous development and renewal of our operations. We are proud of what we do.
We succeed together.
We work closely together both inside the company and with our customers and partners. Our customers can see this cooperation as carefree projects, users can see this as functional solutions, and employees can see this as a strong team spirit. This is what GRK stands for.