GRK’s impact on the UN Sustainable Development Goals
GRK used the Upright model in assessing the impacts of our operations on UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They concern a joint plan of the UN member states aiming to turn the development of the planet in a direction that is sustainable from the point of view of humankind, the environment and the economy by 2030.
One of the key sustainable development goals is the elimination of poverty. Environmental protection and combatting climate change are also an important part of sustainable development.
Upright’s data is based on the alignment of the company’s products and services with the UN SDGs. When assessing the impact of an individual company’s impact on SDGs, every product and service of the company is compared to the 169 targets of the 17 goals, focusing on those applicable to the company.
The methodology considers both the positive and negative impacts on each goal. The analysis of GRK is based on six levels of alignment, from strongly aligned to strongly misaligned. Strongly aligned products have a clear direct impact on the goal concerned, whereas moderately or weakly aligned final products or services have a lesser direct or indirect impact on the goal.
- According to the assessment, GRK’s operations are strongly aligned with goal 9 (industry, innovation and infrastructure) in particular.
- GRK’s operations also have impacts on goals 8 (decent work and economic growth) and 11 (sustainable cities and communities).
- This means that GRK’s products and services have a significantly positive contribution to the achievement of these goals.
- GRK’s operations are also moderately aligned with goals 15 (life on land) and 13 (climate action).
Goals 15 and 13 both describe the mitigation of climate change, and the emissions from GRK’s operations have a negative impact in this respect in the same way as other emissions globally.
GRK has considered the negative impacts of its operations on environment in its strategy, for instance, which aims at carbon neutrality in the company’s own operations by 2030.